A lovely gift for me to receive!

A previous client sent this to me and it felt like such a gift! Thank you Gabi!
‘I know we didn’t speak or see each other in a while Charlie, so this will come totally out of the blue, I hope you and kids are safe and well.
My heart today is totally full of gratitude for you I just came out of a session with a client, and I am so proud of the coach that I became and I am so grateful to you for training me and inspiring me to be this woman, to be this life coach.
Thank you for being the beautiful, gentle, kind, wise, inspiring and super strong woman that you are.
Thank you for holding my hand when I was in pieces. Thank you for coaching me, for helping me to show up in new ways, for teaching me how to be an authentic, solid, gentle, connected life coach.
I am sending you all my gratitude from the bottom of my heart You touched my life in a massive way and so I can, in turn, touch other amazing women’s life. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
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