What has been happening?

What has been happening? It's a good question. Life has been so busy, and while there has not been lots of space, there have been things bubbling away in the background!
Thomas finished his chemotherapy treatment for leukaemia in May of this year. That was a massive milestone. It took another 3 months or so for him to stop being sick. That was another big milestone! My two other children started in new schools in September and I look up from my daze to see that the festive season is rapidly approaching!
So here I am, exploring what I can do with what I have.
I have written a new book called '3 Steps Home' which is currently with the illustrator who is doing an amazing job! Hopefully that will be ready to be published before the end of the year. I decided to open a small membership group for parents who want to use the process as part of their own healing journey, and also to support parents to become parent coaches if they would like to use their experiences to support other parents.
Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to catching up with you soon.
With warmest wishes,
Charlie xxx
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