Becoming qualified

When I was 20 I wanted to train as a counsellor. I knew then I wanted to do deep work with people. The person running the counselling course I looked into said ‘Come back when you are 30 and have had some life experience’ so I trained in coaching instead.
I loved it and spent the next 15 years working with a really diverse range of people including young people with the Princes Trust, Chief Execs in charities and even over 100 Senior Pathologists in the NHS.
Yet the pull to do deeper work was still there.
I remember sitting with a man in a senior role, there to coach him on leadership, while the tears rolled down his face. I referred him to counselling so he could explore the trauma from his early teens that was still very present for him and preventing him from fully stepping up his current role as a manager of over 50 people.
I wanted to be able to explore that experience with him. I wanted to be able to ‘go there’. Yet I wasn’t qualified. Fast forward to my work with parents with children who experience the world differently. Very quickly I wanted to be able to support parents with healing trauma and challenges from their parenting journey or their own childhood that could free them up to be present and resourced with their children. I first found out about Tom’s work in 2015, when I read an article he wrote for a magazine called Kindred Spirit. I started following him on Facebook and took part in some of his courses to help me connect with me own inner experiences. So when the opportunity came up for me to qualify as a FreeMind Therapist I jumped at the opportunity. The training was so inspiring, exploring the techniques, and tentatively trying them out on fellow therapists. My case studies with parents who have children who experience the world differently taught me a lot and enabled me to put the theory into practice.
Now I can go as deeply as the person I’m with would like to go, and that’s a very special experience.
This morning this arrived. I’m so excited! Thomas has a few more months of fairly intensive treatment so it may be the new year before I take on any clients. However, I’ve finished writing my book about the emotional journey we can go on as a parent called ‘Gifts from the heart of the storm’ and I’ll be self-publishing that in the next few months.
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Much love to you all xxx
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